Saturday 28 September 2024

Faafda Jalebi - Gujarati play staged at Tejpal Auditorium (Mumbai) on 22.9.2024

Unique solutions to problematic family milieu 

( हिंदी में समीक्षा के लिए -   यहाँ क्लिक करके क्रम सं. 57 देखिए )

"Baap to baap hota hai" (Father is after all a superior person to his children, he knows how to tackle the situation.)  A very unique kind of solution has been presented in this play on the issue of sending old family member to a senior citizens home by their own children. And if that happens then most of children would change the idea of sending the parents to some another place like senior citizens home. Though it would not be ethical to reveal on this solution, it is worthy to talk about an interesting chunk of the play. The son and daughter-in-law are being posited with a demand of Rs. crore for some work which both think exorbitant for them. Then an option is given to them that they will pay Rs. 1 for the first day, Rs. 2 for the second day and subsequently the double amount of that paid earlier for only 25 days. This proposal looks economical to them. When they came to know the amount it would become on 25th day, the young couple is utterly dumbfounded on it.

In the second half of the play there is a separate story. Here again, a very common social issue is raised. This relates to division of the property between the two sons. Both sons are almost adamant on it but their spouses change the all ballgame through their insightful trick. Ultimately this obnoxious situation is also avoided. 

Actors in this show were renowned comedians Nimesh Shah and Mallika Shah, Other actors were TV star Samir Rajda, Nikhil Parmar and Vishwa Garach. The director and writer of the play is Nimesh Shah. 

Nimesh Shah is a gifted talent. If he copies the demanor of a woman he becomes exactly the same. His countenance and gaits can leave an audience spellbound. And so matching was his co-actor female actor who played opposite him. Both of them did a blast and continued so for the whole play. The other couple also impressed - the wife with her coquets and the husband with his docile demeanour. Moreover all the four were good in dancing steps. As her way of responding, the daughter-in-law used to shake her whole head with a pinch of arrogance on her face will be retained in the memory by all those who watched the show.

The concept of the script looked like a fresh breeze among a mass of popular stories. The dialogues are so quick-witted that can be possible only in a live scenario. Rhythm and steps joined together to produce a splendour. 

Though the solutions provided were somewhat utopian specifically when it comes to show the duo of daughters-in-law moving in tandem together selflessly for the welfare of their father-in-law, the problems put are burning issues of nowadays. 

The director-writer and the whole team are worth appreciation.
Reveiw by- Hemant Das 'Him'
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