A popular string of Mithila paintings still to be documented
The embroidery designs collected in 1938 are preserved in the museum of Mumbai

We human beings are different from animals since we have a culture and no materialistic advancement can give us our identity in the manner culture gives to us. To highlight the importance of Mithila culture and to discuss the issues in preservation of the regional heritage a dedicated seminar was conducted in Darbhanga recently.
At Laxmishwar Singh Musueum, Darbhanga a seminar was organised by the department of Art, Culture and Youth affairs of Govt of Bihar. It was inaugurated by Dr. Chandra Shekhar Singh, DM of Darbhanga.
Dr. Manzar Suleman revealed that Darbhanga is named after a person Darbhangi Khan. Mithila is also known for it's distinguished 'daaha' and embroidery.
Manisha Jha of Madhubani Art Centre, New Delhi presented the evolution of Mithila paintings in its historical perspective.
Diwesh kumar Singh from Nepal stated that Simrongarh had been the capital of Mithila in past. Large number of valuable statues carved on stones have been found from the piles and those need to be conserved.
Dr. Vidya Nath Jha said that Mithila also played important role in bringing forth renaissance in India. An area called 'Sarlahi' has been very important in view of excavation of statues of Buddha age (8th century). The zone of Mithila is of "mitti, paani aur hawa" the soil, water and air. The need of hour is to make efforts to stop the deformation of our culture.
Dr. Bhogendra Jha from Varanasi stressed upon cataloging while Dr. Ratneshwar Mishra talked about some similarities of Mithila with Greek culture.
The seminar was presided by Usha Kiran Khan who said that Mithila has never been a belligerent state and is known for its peaceful ambiance. The woman in particular have been the promoter of Mithila Art. We have to pay attention to the different style of Mithila paintings made by the scheduled caste people in Mithila. They are still to be documented. The Sujani and embroidery designs collected in 1938 by Kamala Devi Chattoopadhyay from Panichobh village of Mithila are preserved in the museum of Mumbai.
Dr. Bhimnath Jha, Dr. Shrawan Kumar Chaudhary, Bimla Dutt, Ganapati Nath
Jha, Rajnath Mishra, Prof. Prabhash Chandra Jha, Prof Dharmendra Kumar, Prof.
Ayodhya Nath Jha, Bhairab Lal Das, Chandra Mohan Jha, Phool Chandra Jha Raman,
Murari Jha and others were present on the occasion.
The curator of the museum Shiva Kumar Mishra anchored the program and Dr. Chandra Prakash proposed the vote of thanks to the speakers and the audience.
Article by- Hemant Das 'Him'
Photographs by- Shiva Kr Mishra and Bejod India team
Send your feedback to - editorbejodindia@yahoo.com

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